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Trade union special topic -- how did workers pioneer?

date:2016-07-29 11:42:44

Recently, the chamber assembly room team of Shanghai North Glass Coating Technology Industry Co., Ltd. was awarded the honorary title of "Worker's Pioneer" by the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions.

Let's learn about their deeds together and see how the workers pioneer is made.

The coating chamber is the core of the Low-E coating line. Whether the glass transmission is stable in the chamber assembly, whether the clearance satisfies the product requirements, whether the cooling system is unobstructed, or whether the baffles are separated from gas and other assembly processes directly determine the quality of the Low-E glass.

The coating assembly team can strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the company. The leader of the class group is also conscientiously responsible for fulfilling his duties, playing the key role in the group, clarified the job and requirements of each employee in the group, promoting the staff's work skills and the development of the diversified work. The work has made great progress, and the work site has also changed greatly.

The workshop also actively coordinates the mutual assistance and mutual assistance between the various groups, and we have worked together to complete the assembly tasks and shipments of the P18 equipment, the early equipment assembly of the P19 equipment and the leak detection in the Harbin site, and the upgrading of the P2, P5, P11, P15, P16, P17 equipment and the smooth delivery of the spare parts. Various production tasks.

The group also actively participates in the various learning and training activities of the company. The members of the group know the importance of labor discipline from the subjective consciousness, and are conscientiously followed and conscientiously implemented in the work. In the work, do not violate the rules and operations; do not take off the post and leave the post; do not smoke in the work site; do not do anything unrelated to the work during the work; the per capita monthly attendance of the whole year group is kept in 28.6 days, and the projects are successfully completed according to the plan.

The group has a correct working style and stable production order, which can be made in strict accordance with the regulations of the company, rectify the problem in time, and implement it strictly according to the system, so as to ensure the quality and efficiency of the work.

If enterprises want to develop and to stand on top of the industry for a long time, they can not do without the guarantee of product quality. Quality is the life of the enterprise, the assembly team has always put the quality of the product first, and the group staff strictly control the quality of the product in strict accordance with the quality requirements and the quality control methods made in the factory.。

In 2013, the company upgraded its products and developed a new SE2540 product line. The new product line chamber features small volume, fast transmission and high rhythm. This team does not depend on this work, carefully and carefully digesting the technical requirements of new products, with the technical and quality control personnel, to discuss and analyze, to decompose the assembly process, to specify the assembly process to meet the requirements, and to solve a problem of assembly, and the members of the group forget to eat and forget to eat, work overtime to late night. Finally, with exquisite technology, conscientious and responsible attitude, the drawings, assembly accuracy of strict control, the successful completion of the new product assembly work.

In 2014, the company developed the first SE3300 super large coating line. In the face of the first 3 meters and 3 lines in China, the group also played an advanced and leading role. In the assembly process, the quality was strictly controlled, the appearance of the product, the assembly size, the quality and the quantity were carefully checked and the quality and quantity completed. At the same time, the team also undertook the necessary equipment for coating products: stacker, cleaning machine, vacuum pipeline and Beijing North Glass bilateral mill assembly work.

In the course of a series of assembly work undertaken by the group, the group has always persisted in the consciousness of making fine quality. In the work, the skilled staff led and instruced the new employees. There were no problems to be solved. In the group, a good group culture atmosphere was formed in the group and made outstanding contributions.

Every day is a careful man of character

The assembly chamber team of vacuum equipment manufacturer conscientiously implements the management system of the company, strictly supervises and inspects, and implements the responsibility of safety management. The daily inspection of key equipment such as wear, grinding, hoisting, handling, leak detection equipment, pressure equipment and other key equipment in the production process of the workers' labor protection supplies is done, and the person responsible is implemented to prevent the hidden danger from being the first and the annual safety standard.

In the production process, in order to save materials and reduce costs, strict control of the number of each standard piece is not wasted, lost, thereby reducing production costs.

The assembly process improves the assembly process, from the cavity, the cathode cover plate, the process gas, the sputtering baffle and the transmission system, so as to make the fine debugging and the decomposition part suit matching, which is to ensure the beautification of the coating line and the design requirements. The assembly time is saved and output resources are saved.

It is the honor of "worker pioneer" to make every effort and do everything first. Did their stories give you a lot of inspiration and encouragement? Come on!