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Our achievements this year | NorthGlass highlights 2019

date:2020-01-17 09:19:10

The enterprise is extraordinary because of its mission and great because of its creation!

In 2019, we embarked on a journey towards the set goals, and all sectors have made great achievements just like a hundred flowers in bloom .

In 2020, we will embark on a more determined pace, pursue excellence and forge ahead towards a higher goal

In 2019,NorthGlass represents "created in China

In January 2019, at the BAU in Germany, a foreign customer, after seeing the glass products of NorthGlass, made a heartfelt exclamation: 30 years ago, China's industrial base was almost zero, but now, your development speed is so fast, it's wonderful to see these glass "artworks" from China here!

Do you feel that kind of sincere praise?


In February 2019, Henan satellite TV's "news broadcast" program filmed excellent enterprises with the theme of "actively explore the market and spare no effort to get off to a flying start", and met with the famous British enterprise customer who came to make the acceptance check of the tempering furnace. He told the reporter: "After our actual acceptance test, this equipment has reached a very high level of performance in terms of quality and technical indicators.  I believe that   products of NorthGlass will certainly have a profound impact on the UK glass market. "


At the China International Glass Industrial Technical Exhibition held in May 2019, a picture of chairman Gao Xueming communicating with Group executives of Video, the largest glass group in North America, was posted on the overseas edition of China Daily after  receiving a large number of customers and reaching a new high in order volume.


On September 17-19, 2019, at the GlassBuild America, NorthGlass  received a big gift from the organizer NGA -- "BEST IN SHOW 2019" award with its astounded exhibits and simple but atmospheric booth design. More importantly, under the background of "trade war", NorthGlass signed orders for 11 tempering at a stretch! 


Still in September, Huawei's first global flagship store opened in Shenzhen MixC Shopping Mall, which known as the most “luxury”shopping mall in Shenzhen. This flagship store, with three words to describe is: Black technology! The specific technology is not clear, but the glass of NorthGlass is really dazzling. How to make the glass in the shape of red wine cup? Please contact with us. 

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This September is so awesome! Beijing Daxing International Airport, which took more than four years to build, was officially put into operation. As the first of the "seven wonders of the new world", the world once again witnessed the power of China. The difficult sunshade glass with built-in aluminum mesh is all produced by NorthGlass, which was permanently collected by the National Museum of China on November 5.


In October, black technology came again - "SiNest Unit Curtain Wall" came out and shinning the world. The raw materials of SiNest are from tailings and other waste and made by high temperature foaming. This new material has the function of high quality wall material: light weight and high strength, fire resistance and heat preservation, hydrophobic and moisture-proof, sound absorption and sound insulation, stability and durability, decoration as a whole. 


Ms. Su Baolian, Consultant of The Architecture Society of Shanghai China Curtain Wall Specialized Committee, was very excited after attending the release conference of NorthGlass SiNest and composed an impromptu poem:Mountains are high and seas are deep, the road is far away. Science and technology battle out of death. Who dares to gallop ahead with sword drawn? Only we NortGlass SiNest!

Who wants the sample of "SiNest"?


In December, NorthGlass won the honor of outstanding sub-supplier of National Speed Skating Hall,in recognition of the high efficiency, high quality and good service of NorthGlass! Since then, after the "bird's nest" and "Water Cube", the three landmark buildings of the Olympic Games have been inlaid with glass produced by NorthGlass. 


 Honor 2019

In 2019, NorthGlass won the "outstanding sub-supplier of national speed skating hall", "outstanding contribution award for the construction of the main venue of Shanghai cooperation Qingdao Summit", "top 500 preferred supplier brands of China's real estate development enterprises", "preferred brand of building glass", "outstanding contribution enterprises of the industry in the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up", "top 30 enterprises of China's processing glass in 2018", "golden glass Award" Creative enterprise, "glass machinery and equipment" innovative brand, "building glass" innovative brand and other awards from owners, associations and media.


The Glass Project Cases of NorthGlass in 2019

National Speed Skating Hall, New Development Bank Headquarters building,Shenzhen HUAWEI flagship store,  Beijing OPPO Flagship Store,  Shanghai Pudong Art Museum,  Sanlitun Apple Store,  Thailand Central World Apple Store, Japan Fukuoka Apple store, K.V.S., LV Osaka Midosuji Store, Huawei Futian Excellence Fflagship Store, Hangzhou Mixc Mall Gondola Project, Hangzhou Liangzhu Hotel Intercontinental, Zhengzhou Museum, Xiamen Xinhee   Design Center, Fuda-Techsun Headquarters, BOE Wuhan, Zhengzhou Zensun QIHANG International Plaza Phase I, Hai'an robot science and Technology Museum......

Too many to enumerate one by one, ten pages of statistical table, here only enumerates less than one page!


Sharing great achievements of our efforts in 2019 and welcome the new year, looking forward to NorthGlass 2020, which will be full of bright hope.

The success of 2019 has laid the foundation for the new year to have a good opening.

In 2020, the people of NorthGlass will move forward towards a higher goal, embark on a determined pace and press forward with indomitable will.