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NorthGlass Participation in 2016 G20 Hangzhou Summit

date:2016-09-09 15:22:11

On 4th, Sep.~ 5th, Sep., the 11th G20 summit was hold in Hangzhou. It was China’s most important diplomatic activity at her home field this year. It was China’s honor, it was Hangzhou’s honor.

For this magnificent summit, Hangzhou governors thoughtfully accomplished a series of rebuilding and upgrading for G20 main meeting-place, B20 main meeting-place, resting places of Chinese and foreign leaders as well as other activity spaces, to make all the venue facilities embody both local features of Hangzhou and distinctive style of China while meeting the concrete needs of this summit. “All these venues are upgraded based on their original designs to cater to summit needs without being particularly, newly built.”said Mr. Zhao Yide, Hangzhou mayor. 

Among these facilities, the main meeting-place is the most attractive venue with those ultra-wide glass putting together to reach an area of nearly 6,000 m2, super clear and spotless. The fitting of these glass with clipper-built roof structure gives the whole building an unique charm of history and reality blending.

These ultra-wide glass bring considerable difficulties to their deep processing and assemble work.  NorthGlass took this glass project and provide glass from her Shanghai production base, and gave full play to her workers’wisdom to think out an advanced technology to seamlessly splice these panels of glass. NorthGlass perfectly made the original design idea of this building come true, and made the sponsor very satisfied.

Upon the request of G20 sponsor, NorthGlass successfully delivered all the glass needed with high quality within a month, saving a lot of time for the early preparation work of the summit.

Up to now, NorthGlass has produced a variety of superior-difficulty, yet high-quality deep-processed glass for the turn of century, for Beijing Olympic, for Shanghai Expo, for APEC meeting and for G20 summit this time. And for this G20 Hangzhou summit, NorthGlass sincerely looks forward to an innovative, energetic, cooperative and tolerant world economy talk among 20 country leaders.