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Baodi special glass production and installation of the apple headquarters building

date:2014-04-28 14:37:12

Tianjin North Internet News: Recently, the project was put into operation in the first project of the North special glass manufacturing and complete equipment production base in the Baodi economic development zone. The project has super large energy saving coated glass, toughened glass and safe hollow energy-saving glass production line, which is about to be put into full production.

The leading product of the project, super energy saving coated composite glass, is produced by the world's unique equipment, and is adopted by the Apple Corp headquarters of the United States. The first 18 meter super long coated glass has been verified by the Apple Corp in the United States, and the Apple Corp has no defect in the energy saving coefficient and color. Requirement. After mass production, it will be installed in the Apple Corp headquarters building. As a result, the world's super large specifications and technology leading energy-saving glass has been made "made in Tianjin".

The investment side of the North special glass manufacturing and complete equipment production base project - the Luoyang North glass technology Limited by Share Ltd is the current domestic super large scale glass deep processing equipment R & D manufacturing enterprise, creating and maintaining the production record of 18 meter specification monomer products, and has issued more than 150 technology and more than 100 specifications. Products, authorized 121 patents, products sold well and exported to the United States, Britain, Germany and other more than 50 countries and regions.

The base project of the Baodi district is 99 thousand square meters, mainly engaged in the low radiation coated glass technology, the toughened glass technology, the research and development of photovoltaic glass technology and the design and manufacture of related products. The project is divided into two stages of construction in October 2012. The project is started in October 2012 and has been put into trial production not long ago. It has 5 most advanced production lines in the world with energy saving LOW E coated glass production line and 3D printing. All of them can produce all kinds of glass 8 million square meters in the year, and the two phase will mainly develop and produce solar thin film batteries. Panel TOC technology and complete set of equipment.